Let me start off by saying that Steven Spielberg's film "Schindler's List" is so near perfect that it's ridiculus.
This film is about a man named Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) who, at first glance, is a cold hearted Nazi who sends Jews to be gased with no worry. As Oskar's buisness grows, he needs more workers so, he goes to the concentration camp to recieve Jews to come to work for him. As the film progresses, we see that the way the Jews are treated in the camps really starts to take a toll on Oskar and he starts to feel a bit of remorse. He then starts to get more workers so he could free the Jews from the atrocities of the Nazi's, which includes a man named Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes).
Goeth is a heartless, cold, and remorseless Nazi who uses the Jews as his own target practice with his sniper rifile. He sees Jews as not quite animals, but as people who do not matter and who are just here to contaminate society and to bring down the nature of the German people and the Aryan race. Near the end of the film, all the Nazi's are relizing their defeat and the loss of the war for Germany and are fleeing the camps for freedom. 6,000,000 Jews are dead and Schindler is looked at upon as a hero for saving the lives of thousands of Jews. He compiled a list of Jews to save and to come work for him to save them from the chambers and the camps. By the end, we see Schindler as a hero and that he saved thousands of lives that were not doubtly going to die. Goeth at the end is still Goeth and still cold hearted to the bone. He was one of the most remorseless Nazi's of all time and the fact that he participated in these killings was unforgivable.
As far as Fiennes performance well, he was spectacular. His no smiling way of life and his remorseless way of using the Jews as target practice was amazing. I actually felt like I was staring into the mind of a man who would send innocent people to death without even looking twice. Fiennes was my choice for the Oscar, but sadly, he lost to Tommy Lee Jones in "The Fugitive". Fiennes was amazing and will forever be one of my favorite performances of all time.
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